Where are we in the evolution of the ENTOS project?

Where are we in the evolution of the ENTOS project?

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With the one-year anniversary of ENTOS arriving soon, it is a good time to reflect on what actions have been taken over the past twelve months and see how the project has evolved. The first phase of the project, called IO1, consisted in doing research on the topic of entrepreneurship through sports and how it is perceived in the partners’ countries: Italy, Slovakia, Greece, Lithuania and Spain.

The IO started with the research of examples of best practices, academic research and analysis of public institutions’ curriculums. In order to deepen the research and gather even more valuable inputs, we conducted surveys in each partners’ countries as well as focus groups during which PE teachers, schools managers, and students were interviewed. After collecting precious information, the challenge was to compile all of it and to translate in five different languages! 

The second phase of the project, called IO2, consists in developing a training programme that would support PE teachers in fostering entrepreneurial skills through their lessons’ activities. Based on the input gathered in phase one of the project, each partner has been collecting activities and developing methodologies that will constitute a training guide of five chapters. Each chapter focuses on one particular entrepreneurial skill that would benefit students beyond their PE classes. Through the training guide, ENTOS aims to demonstrate how physical activities are a great medium to develop skills that serve students in their daily life and for their future professional career.

In order to collaborate efficiently, the partners have regular online meetings which are always productive and engaging. Until we meet again, ENTOS team!
