ENTOS Newsletter 4 -Events Announcement: ENTOS is COming To YOU !

ENTOS Newsletter 4 -Events Announcement: ENTOS is COming To YOU !

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As the project enters its last month, the partner teams are putting up a last event in each of their countries to showcase the great work accomplished through the ENTOS project over the past two years. 

During these events, each partner presents the main activities that were carried out with the project and shares their reflection on the tools and methodology developed. Here is a great chance to come and learn more about entrepreneurial skills developed through sports, and to get to know how the project’s outcomes can benefit you in your teaching, and learning! Below is the list of events for each partner’s country. 

Obchodná akadémia Nitra organized their multiplier event on February 1st 2023 in Nitra. The event was attended by stakeholders, representatives of the local government, and by P.E. teachers from primary and high schools in the region. They learned complete information about the project, its intellectual outcomes, and, of course, a short theoretical introduction to the EntreComp Framework that was followed by examples of practical training. Participants enjoyed the activity and expressed their interest in ENTOS implementation.

The ENTOS project was presented on February 18th in Matera (A&R wellness in Via dell’Agricoltura). Physical Education teachers, educators, students, and young people were all invited from 15h30 to 19h. The ENTOS methodology was presented by Materahub and by Giuseppe Pecora, director of the sports association Uisp Matera, who has been involved in the project’s activities and training. Guiseppe participated in the international training event in Slovakia in November 2022, during which he tested the ENTOS methodology with other educators and students. He shared his experience with the methodology and the project and give valuable insights on how to implement it at the local level. Another guest, Cristina Lamacchia, shared some strategies on inclusive methodologies with the youth in educational environments.

Entos project’s multiplier event is going to be celebrated on February 28th in Panevėžys, Lithuania at 13.00 o’clock at the Panevėžys training center. During the event, the ENTOS methodology is going to be presented to teachers from the area with the main focus on physical education teachers, as well as to other stakeholders. During the event physical education teacher Raimonda Bagdonaitė who has participated in training in Nitra, Slovakia, and learned to use ENTOS methodology practically and project coordinator Justina Čivilytė are going to present ENTOS methodology to the participants and to try to use some activities described in methodology practically during the event. Later all participants are going to discuss and share their impressions about the possibilities to use ENTOS methodology in their lessons or work. 

The ENTOS project was presented on January 22nd in Larissa, Greece. Physical Education teachers, official stakeholders, and policymakers were invited to participate, and 27 participated in this event. The ENTOS methodology was presented to them by members of the University of Thessaly/DPESS, who have been actively involved in the project’s activities and training in Nitra -Slovakia. The participants were informed about the ENTOS project, its intellectual outcomes, and how they can use the intellectual products of the project for their practical training. All the participants expressed their interest in ENTOS implementation, and they expressed their will to use the methodology and the intellectual outputs of the project, which are available on the ENTOS website for their benefit.

The ENTOS project was presented on February 20th in Palma de Mallorca (UNED). Physical Education teachers and other relevant stakeholders have been invited from 18:00h to 20:00h. The ENTOS methodology was presented to them by members of Education In Progress, who have been actively involved in the project’s activities. They reported the feedback of the international training event in Slovakia in November 2022, during which the ENTOS methodology was tested with other educators from Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania, and Greece and local students, especially regarding the Acroyoga activities and their benefits.
