ENTOS Newsletter 1: Let's start our ENTOS project!

ENTOS Newsletter 1: Let's start our ENTOS project!

News Návštevy: 5195
ENTOS means Entrepreneurship Through Sport. It is a new strategic partnership of Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Greece and Lithuania. The project aims to connect vocational education with sports, to increase interests of young people in sports and games and, especially, to develop entrepreneurial skills of teenagers with totally new methodology that is going to be created within the project.
As the main aim group are vocational high school students together with their teachers, the partnership consists of 2 VET schools (Obchodná akadémia, Bolečkova 2, Nitra – Slovakia and Viesoji istaiga Panevezio profesinio rengimo centras, Lithuania), a university (Panepistimio Thessalias, Greece) and 2 institutions with rich experiences in the field of innovations in education (Education In Progress - Spain and Consorzio Materahub Industrie Culturali E Creative- Italy). The partners have been carefully chosen to meet all the expected goals.
Even though the pandemic situation caused a small project delay, partnership cannot be stopped by anything. We had to give up our first project meeting, but modern communication technologies allow us to work on distance without getting to know each other in person.
Moreover, the fact that schools have been closed plays for us. On the one hand it is very hard and sometimes impossible to teach sports on distance or online, but on the other hand, it is a perfect time to get students and PE teachers involved in the project and maybe to have a look at PE lessons from a totally different view. There is enough time to talk to them, to explain what the project goals are and there is even some time to play with their creativity using interdisciplinary relations. Participating students understand the idea well and they came with a number of great project logos. They have launched our project activities.
All the partners have rolled up their sleeves and are ready to bring the first project output- the analysis of needs across VET schools in Europe.
The project is co-funded from the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Renata Košovičová
School Director at Obchodná Akadémia Nitra
(Project Applicant)