Interview: the origin of the ENTOS project!

Interview: the origin of the ENTOS project!

News Návštevy: 5154

What's behind ENTOS project? Inspiration, perseverance, cooperation, and finally SUCCESS!
Let's discover this appealing story!

What’s the origin of the ENTOS project? And how & why did the partners join it?
Each organization and person involved in the ENTOS project has different motivations and it’s interesting to read their stories. We have decided to interview the ENTOS partners. In this first part, we will tell you about Karin Callipo of Education In Progress SPAIN and Paolo Montemurro of Materahub, the first two partners, which started to work on ENTOS project with the aim to bring it to life.
Enjoy your reading!

Karin, what did inspire you to start to design the ENTOS project?

In 2014 I was in Brussels for a meeting about the new 2014-2020 program, specifically about the "Sport Chapter" of the Erasmus+ Program. While the representatives of DG Education and Training of the European Commission were explaining its goals and priorities, I realized how much sport can support to develop the so-called entrepreneurial skills, and at the same time how much the potentiality of Physical Education (PE) lessons at school is underestimated. If only Physical Education teachers would be aware of this, I thought!

I came back home full of enthusiasm and passion for the new project idea, and I started working to realize it. 

In 2014 Education in Progress applied for a KA201 (school sector), but it was rejected. I didn't give up, I was sure about the idea, and I applied for a simpler financial strand with the aim to test the method and to create a history for my future steps: a Training Course for youth workers. The project was approved and In Progress had the chance to host 30 youth workers from 8 European countries, who tested the methodology on a small scale, thanks to the precious support from Rosanna Druda, psychologist expert in the sport. The project was a great success and the participants were truly happy. This first victory motivated me not to give up, and in 2015 I contacted Materahub, an expert on entrepreneurship, and the University of Thessaly (UTH), in order to give more quality to the project idea, as it's requested for a KA2 project. Despite the highest quality of the project given by their participation, the evaluators of the National Agency preferred a school to be the applicant. 

When I met Renata Košovičová, director of Obchodná Akadémia Nitra, the team was formed, and with it also another VET Centre, Panevėžys, joined us, and so ENTOS: Entrepreneurship Through Sport was financed to realize our innovation: a training course for sports teachers capable to merge Physical Education and Entrepreneurial Education.


Paolo, how and why did you join project ENTOS?
Materahub is actively contributing at the European level in giving applications to EntreComp framework through European-funded projects. The approach towards entrepreneurship education is a holistic one, with a strong belief that community actors all play a role in supporting the development of entrepreneurial competencies. From families to community organizations, from schools to specific sectors (like culture or social innovation), Materahub has been on the lead of many initiatives EntreComp related.  

The idea of working within schools and with sports teachers to support the development of entrepreneurial competencies in students attracted us immediately as a potential cause for this "EntreComp Into Action" work we are focused on.

ENTOS will therefore join the work that is currently happening around EntreComp Europe communities and be an inspirational practice for other users. 

Karin Callipo e Claudia Esposito
EU Project Managers at Education In Progress SPAIN

