We are on track! ENTOS training material will be online soon.

We are on track! ENTOS training material will be online soon.

ENTOS training contents have been composed of 5 modules that reflect 5 Competencies that our project is going to develop, according to the EntreComp Framework.

We are ready to go! Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Greece and Lithuania have prepared the contents that are going to be uploaded on ENTOS e-platform. That will allow physical education teachers in Europe to take the advantage of a new teaching methodology, like ENTOS is.

What is ENTOS?
ENTOS (Entrepreneurship through Sport) is an innovative methodology that allows physical education teachers to empower the learning outcomes of their lessons. Implementing ENTOS doesn’t mean only to focus on physical benefits of sport, but also to become capable of impacting young students with the possibility to develop their Entrepreneurial Competencies.

The partnership has been working hard to make this possible. The creation of the method started with a deep and complex transnational research that allowed the partnership to identify best practices in Europe, and to interview students, teachers and other relevant professionals regarding the method that ENTOS proposes. All the information can be read in the final document called “IO1: Competence Framework”, available in English, Spanish, Italian, Lithuanian, Slovak and Greek
www.entos.eu - The Project).

Thanks to the results collected in the IO1: Competence Framework, the partnership could start creating the method focusing on the development of 5 specific competencies:

  • Module 1: Learning through experience
  • Module 2: Coping with uncertainity, ambiguity and risk
  • Module 3: Creativity
  • Module 4: Taking the initiative
  • Module 5: Self awareness & Self-efficacy

Education In Progress SPAIN is in charge of developing the Module 1: Learning through experience. The activities we propose are based on making our experiences an opportunity to improve our performances. And when we say experience, we also include mistakes.

Developing the capability to learn through mistakes strongly contributes to adopting  a resilient attitude in life based on perseverance, where "try and fail" becomes a useful exercise to overcome our own limits.

Thanks to the support of our Trainer, David Madrid Peréz and his incredible group of acro-yogies, Education In Progress SPAIN decided to do that by proposing
acro-yoga exercises.
Is it interesting, don’t you think?
You can discover how it works soon on our ENTOS Platform, for the moment we share with you the video we have recorded for preparing your training material.



Karin Callipo
EU Project Manager at Education In Progress SPAIN

